Thursday, April 23, 2009

Beer Review: Sierra Nevada Torpedo

The last of my new beer reviews (for now) is Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA, the first new year-round release by Sierra Nevada in over a decade, and just as interesting, the brewery that is known for its distinctive West-coast hop profile that is present in nearly all of their beers, has produced its first year-round IPA in its 30 years of existence. I first tasted this brew in an early incarnation about a year ago when it was one of the most memorable beers I sampled at the 2008 Raleigh World Beer Fest. Later that summer, a limited draft run found its way to the Raleigh Flying Saucer, and I was lucky enough to enjoy a pint on a $2.75 Monday pint night. I was very excited earlier this year to learn it would become a year-round release, and it has now become one of the few beers I try to always have on hand, especially at $8.99 a sixer. For this review I poured a 12oz bottle into a Corsendonk tulip. The beer pours a crisp bubbly orange with a nice frothy head that leaves great lacing. The aroma is loads of citrus and pine hops with predominant sweet malts backing them up. The taste is a wonderful amount of bitter pine hops dancing nicely with burnt caramel malts. The beer has a touch of dryness along with its medium body that provides nice refreshment and leaves you craving that next sip. This time last year, Bell's Two Hearted was my go-to IPA, and I was paying $38.99 a case for it at Total Wine, or $9.75 a sixer, I am exstatic that I can now get a better beer for less and I can find it at my local Harris Teeter. Keep up the great work Sierra Nevada, and for God's sake, offer this one on draft again already!

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